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- It would be best to have a Mexican Customs Broker for shipments over 1,000usd.
- Subscribed to the importer register (Padron de Importadores) of SAT or hired commercial business services, a subscriber in importers registers. For specific shipments, being a subscriber in the sectorial importers register.
- A commercial invoice with all legal requirements.
- A supplier origin certificate.
- Have all authorizations, NOMs, or permissions needed for import.
- Pay taxes and import rights.
There are two types of imports or exports: temporary or definitive.
- Definitive import or export are those where you must pay taxes and import rights, and the shipment will not return to the origin country.
- Temporary imports or exports are subject to a process and later will return to the country of origin. The main programs are maquiladoras and pitex.
It is a control system run by the Mexican government that verifies all import and export shipments.
This system works by checking shipments randomly. Many factors determine if import or export shipments need to be exhaustly checked out by Mexican authorities, like the type of shipment, harmonized tariff, or the importer or exporter itself.
A computer reads the entry bar code and registers this number in the customs system. There are two colors; green lets you pass through without inspection, and on the other side red color means it is going to be inspected by import or export authorities personnel.
If the shipment gets a red light, it will be inspected by authorized personnel and checked again for a second Mexican custom system selection.
It is a type of Mexican government tariff regulation. Mexico determines if a specific country subsidizes a product under its costs, competing disloyally with nationals.
Also, the Mexican government uses this regulation for products that can damage some economic sectors.
NOMS are nontariff regulations for securing international quality standards.
In Mexico, there are two types of NOMs: NOM for labeling and NOM for commercial information or quality and specifications.
Labeling NOMS: label the product according to its tariff classification.
Quality NOMS: it is due to have authorization by SECOFI and signed by an authorized laboratory.
Padron de Importadores / Padron Sectorial
It is a national registry of importers. There are two types of registry: the register of importers, which records all importers in the country, and the sectorial register, which is due to be when concerns sensible products to the economy.
Except for certain products, you need the importers' registration before being able to make an import or export.
International Commerce Terms. INCOTERMS are used terms of international trade sale and determine what includes on product price between two companies and their responsibilities on purchase and sale transaction.
- Supplier name and direction. No P.O. Box.
- Phone.
- Supplier Tax ID.
- Product description. No abbreviations or codes.
- Product unit and total price.
- Product origin.
- All products must have a commercial value.
Note: $0.00 are not accepted in customs, including samples or gifts. - INCOTERM is provided in the instruction letter.
Value in customs consists in:
- Total invoice.
- Loading and unloading expenses.
- Storages.
- Freights.
It is the base for taxes calculation and import rights.
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